The War on Weeds
The most noxious lawn weeds (nutgrass + others)
As the name suggests, noxious lawn weeds grow aggressively and can spread rapidly with few control options. These weeds can appear in even the most well-maintained lawns and can take over quickly.
Tips for Shade of your Lawn
As the sun gets lower in the sky, the amount of sunlight your lawn will receive will decrease – but how much shade can your lawn tolerate, and what can you do about it?
African Black Beetle/Lawn Grub
Black beetles can be a common sight in and around your lawn. They are a natural part of the ecosystem and play an important role. We sometimes hear from people who have noticed them in their lawn and are concerned that they may be damaging their grass.
How to repair a thin and patchy lawn
If you have a patchy lawn, there are a few things you can do to make the path to recovery a lot easier and quicker.
Onion Weed
Onion weed is one of the worst type of weeds that can take hold in your lawn or gardenOnion weed can be eradicated with patience and a bit of delicate workKeeping onion weed under control by preventing flowering is a must to prevent it spreading
7 DIY Weed Killers
If your preference is to avoid the use of herbicides on your lawn, then there are some organic DIY weed treatments which are claimed to work against particular weeds. Some work well, some take perseverance, some may not actually work at all and are nothing but an old wives’ tale.
Here’s a few we’ve come across that you might like to try:
Bee safe – safeguard for your lawn
The threat to your lawn from the heat of summer is coming to an end, but the threat to your lawn in the form of root and leaf eating grubs, caterpillars and insects remains; some of these nasty critters can keep attacking right through the months of autumn. Now is the time to safeguard against them.
Does your lawn have dry spots?
Hot and dry weather can really take a toll on even the healthiest lawns and cause them to become thin and patchy. This usually happens over the summer months, as the weather is hot and dry and lawn owners are generally on holidays or too busy to keep up their regular lawn maintenance schedule. It only takes a couple of days of hot, dry weather to affect your lawn.
African Black Beetle
Scientific name: Heteronychus arator
Black beetles can be a common sight in and around your lawn. They are
a natural part of the ecosystem and play an important role. We
sometimes hear from people who have noticed them in their lawn and are
concerned that they may be damaging their grass.
Here’s what you need to know…
Do I need to use a wetting agent on my lawn?
Wetting agents are like a detergent or surfactant that attract water to the soils surface, helping it to soak in.Hydrophobic soils repel water which can lead to serious problems in the garden and lawn.For existing lawns that are hydrophobic, a wetting agent is needed.