What Does Iron Do for Lawns?
Are you looking for a way to help extend your lawns colouring throughout the cooler months? Well, iron might be your answer! The main benefit of using iron is to help improve your lawns colouring, especially when lawns are entering dormancy. In this blog, we look at all you need to know about using iron on your lawn.
The right way to fertilise your lawn
Fertilising your lawn the right way can help improve its appearance while keeping it healthy. While fertilising is quite simple, there is a bit more to it than simply chucking it out or spraying it on.
Fertilising Your Lawn
Lawn fertiliser is simply a food source that lawn requires on a regular basis so it retains good health, colour and help prevents stress and diseases. It’s an essential part of lawn care. But what are the best times to fertilise your lawn? And what’s the best lawn fertiliser to use?
Should I be fertilising my lawn now?
Fertiliser balance is crucial; too little and it can starve, too much and you won’t see it at its peak eitherIf you’re keen on looking after your lawn then getting a handle on fertilising is importantThere are a few tell-tale signs with your lawn to let you know if it needs fertilisingAutumn fertilising is ideal to send your lawn into winter as healthy as possible
Should I core my lawn?
What is core aeration? Should I core my lawn?
Unlike regular aeration, where solid tines simply punch holes in the ground, core aeration removes a plug of soil from your lawn at the same time. Plug or core aerators do this by using hollow tines that puncture the surface and then pull the plugs from the ground on their way back out.
Can you over fertilise your lawn?
There are some out there who wouldn’t dream of fertilising their lawn very often or even at all, because it could lead to more mowing! But can you over fertilise your lawn?