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 |  Active Turf Supplies
Watch this video from Lawn Solutions Australia about installing a new lawn in Winter
 |  Active Turf Supplies
Some lawn varieties might look great but can they handle the action from some family pets? Wear and tear, digging, urine burn and faeces are common problems, and sensitive lawns just can’t handle it, especially with large dogs. So choosing a pet friendly and tolerant variety will make life easy for all concerned. Just like humans, some pets may to sensitive to allergies so choosing a low-allergenic variety is the go.
 |  Active Turf Supplies
Lawn Solutions Australia Now that Lawn Solutions Australia has officially launched we are proud to announce that with every sale made at Active Turf, customers are now issued with a  Product Warranty Certificate.
 |  Active Turf Supplies
When it comes to purchasing products for your home there are always lots of choices. It’s the same when it comes to turf companies.